The advent of the mobile phone has revolutionized the way we communicate. A few years ago, the mobile phones were designed and developed and nothing has been the same since then. Second generation mobile phone technology has given way to third generation (3G) technology; and we have been blessed with better connectivity as well as versatility in general communication as well as media communication. we would like to know how the media can get ease through the different features of 3G mobile phones in mobility of news, rapid updates, coverage from remote areas, news transition and so on.
What is 3G?
• 3 G stands for the third generation of standards and technology after 1st generation analog technology shifted to 2 g and 2.5 g digital technology.
• A telecommunication company of Japan launched a first 3G cellular network in 2001.
• 3 G mobile phones are now coming to the Indian market where LG has become the first company to introduce the 3 G phones in Indian market.
• Today Nokia N- series, Motorola, Erricssion ,Samsung etc phones facilitate the features of 3G technologies in their respective models.
Now let’s take a look of various features of 3G phones and its applicability in media communication along with general communication.
Network mobility:-
3G networks can catch frequency from remote areas .with the help of 3G phones one can not be able to cover the news only but also can send it via internet network facilitate by 3G phones from the place where ordinary network could not reach.
MMS :-
• Today we all know the use of MMS. Though sometimes it has been misused but as outcome of the technology depends on its use, here user can get video clips, audio clips graphics, and text and can send them to a compatible phone or pc. Here how can we forget the citizen journalists .at the time of London boambing,9/11,tsunami and at several otere incidents were the people who shot it first and send it across through MMS.
Video conferencing:-
A video conference system utilizing a mobile phone and the method thereof is provided. Simple analog videoconferences could be established as early as the invention of the television. Such videoconferencing systems consisted of two closed-circuit television systems connected via cable. The mobile phone includes an audio detection device, a photo-sensing device, a conversion unit, a transceiver unit, and a loudspeaker. The mobile phone records images and sounds, and outputs a video signal and an audio signal to the computer host accordingly. The computer further sends the video and audio signals to a remote client via an internet. The images and sounds in the remote client are sent to the computer host via the internet, and the sounds are played out by the loudspeaker of the mobile phone. TV channels routinely use this kind of videoconferencing when reporting from distant locations.
Voice messages:-
it anables Voicemail systems a much more sophisticated than answering machines Here one needs not to call a person to convey the message but can send a message in own voice on receiver’s number. at the time of live reporting reporter’s can convey the news on air and simulteniously can get messages about upcoming progress on news event from sources without attending calls.
Video call :-
Imagine seeing the expressions on the faces of people that you love as and when you are taking to them in real time. They could be near you; or they could be far away...but thanks to the video calling feature.
With the help of video phone user can see who they are talking to, even can take still photos that can be sent to other computers or mobile phones.
Here if reporter finds some news story and camera person would not be available in that case reporter himself can give live reporting from the place of incident.
Communication has changed drastically due to plethora of telecommunication techniques being discovered and invented. 3G is one such third generation technology which supports full-motion video, video-conferencing and Internet access on mobile phones. it also enables subscribers of 3G to
• Global roaming:-where we can get roaming capabilitynthrough out Europe, Japan, and North America which was not possible on all 2G phones.
• TV screeming :- you can watch TV on your mobile phone
• Stock updates:-you can get current stock updates
• GPRS-emails and net surfing on mobile
• Blogs:- you can creat mblog through a mobile
• Music and downloads:-high-speed memory gives easy fast downloads
• High-speed data transfer:- user can transfer the datas to the respective mobile or pc with very high-speed.
Driving forces for 3G technology:-
• Demand for basic wireless services
• Demand of basic telecom services in third world countries are increasing on a stiff climb.
• Internet, multimedia and data service demand has surged up.
• Global roaming is also pushing this evolution as well.
• Call traffic, in order to have better capacity servers and for better efficiency it has become necessary to shift on 3G services.
• Roaming capability throughout Europe, Japan, and North America which was not possible on all 2G phones
So these are the points which in forces 3G technologies to drive in India.
Here where India is stepping on towards the edge of 3G there countries like Japan and Korea enhancing with 4G and 4.5G…we can say the generation Z will be coming soon….
• Demand for basic wireless services
• Demand of basic telecom services in third world countries are increasing on a stiff climb.
• Internet, multimedia and data service demand has surged up.
• Global roaming is also pushing this evolution as well.
• Call traffic, in order to have better capacity servers and for better efficiency it has become necessary to shift on 3G services.
• Roaming capability throughout Europe, Japan, and North America which was not possible on all 2G phones
So these are the points which in forces 3G technologies to drive in India.
Here where India is stepping on towards the edge of 3G there countries like Japan and Korea enhancing with 4G and 4.5G…we can say the generation Z will be coming soon….